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ウィンターシーズンにもアロハな毎日を!/Aloha Equality Long Sleeve Cotton T Shirts

ウィンターシーズンにもアロハな毎日を!/Aloha Equality Long Sleeve Cotton T Shirts




ぜひ、ストアSasha’s Collection でチェックしてください!

The long sleeve “Aloha” shirts, designed with a combination of positive words that Sasha selected, are available now!

The unisex style and women’s style are available.
The women’s style, which is made with 100% organic cotton, has a shorter body length and goes well with any type of bottoms.

A portion of the profit from the sales will be donated to organizations that advocate for the rights of Asian Americans.

Please check out our online store Sasha’s Collection!

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